

The office of 学生生活 is dedicated to providing student involvement and leadership opportunities that enhance the college experience and prepare students to contribute a diverse, 充满活力的全球社会.


•	学生会联合会(学生会)
•	文化 & 社区中心
•	可持续发展资源中心
•	国际俱乐部理事会
•	奇科中心学生休息室

•	学生活动卡制作
•	派发学生手册
•	海报的批准
•	一般校园活动支持


Current SLO cycle includes summary and recommendations to be developed spring 2017.  一旦开发出来,它们将包含在本节中.




The 学生生活办公室 helps meet the persistence and achievement standards by providing students ways to connect to the college in order to retain students and give them the skills to achieve course completion.


1. 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化 *Student representatives on relevant committees: Program Vitality, 课程, 学术参议院, 入学考试, 远程教育2. 支持学生,教师和员工的成功 *Student representatives on relevant committees: Safety, 学生技术咨询, 技术委员会, 安全3. 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进 *Student representatives on relevant committees: Participatory Governance, 认证4. Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning *Student representatives on relevant committees: Planning and Budget, 设施及整体规划5. 建模的可持续性 *Student representatives on relevant committees: Sustainability Steering, 土地使用*活动:秋季校园可持续发展日, 春天的地球日. *Funding the 可持续发展资源中心 which is a student hub for Sustainability events and community building. 6. 加强包容性文化 *Student representatives on relevant committees: Diversity Committee *Funding the 文化 and 社区中心, which is a hub for 多样性和包容性 for students and clubs.


推荐# 1: Add permanent staff to the 文化 and 社区中心 and the 可持续发展资源中心.
推荐# 2: Continue to explore ways to increase student awareness of the role the AS plays on campus and the opportunities available for student participation/representation. We have explored and implemented several strategies to increase student awareness of the role the AS plans on campus and the opportunities available for student participation and representation. 包括:社交媒体, 在线选举, 校园电视的使用, 宣传材料专业化. 这也是我们最新开发的学生学习成果之一.
推荐# 3: Develop and administer surveys or other tools that measure student awareness of participation in AS sponsored activities, 以及as运行中心/设施的利用率. We have developed and administered surveys and other evaluation tools to measure student awareness of and participation in 学生生活 sponsored activities and related centers. 包括每年春季调查, 十大网赌正规平台反馈表, 活动参与者反馈调查, 俱乐部成员和俱乐部顾问调查, 学生学习成果评估.


Low enrollment and increasing personnel costs are forcing us to focus on our budget and to create a strategy for maintaining student-oriented and value-based services that support the department and Dristrict mission.  



Strategy 1 - Expand recruitment, resources and training for AS Officers and Student Ambassadors

Will continue outreach and promotion efforts to attract and retain excellent student leaders to fulfill positions on the AS board and the Student Ambassador Program including:  develop marketing plan that includes classroom presentations, 给辅导员发传单, 以及每学期的招聘活动.  Will also expand resources and training for new student leaders including: expand AS fall retreat to include more practical skills, create online training tutorials for students who miss scheduled trainings, and conduct pre- and post-surveys to determine what resources and training have been helpful and what else is needed for students to be 成功ful.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进


Student leaders in the AS and the Student Ambassador Program are representing over 9,000 students through managing budgets (from student fees) and participating on decisions making committees that influence policies and procedures at the college.  They should be well prepared and confident in their ability to fulfill their positions and responsibilities.  


Strategy 2 - Expand outreach and resources, training for campus clubs.

校园俱乐部是校园里一个巨大的资源. It is a focused pool of student leaders that we can further develop.  There are many challenges we face on how to provide training and resources to a group of students that are already busy.  目前我们每个月与国米俱乐部理事会举行两次会议, 大约有25-35个扶轮社出席这些会议.  We would like to provide additional training to further develop the clubs included, 但不限于:在线培训模块, 领导会议, 撤退, 硬拷贝资源, 等.

  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进


Providing club members with additional training and resources we are contributing to the college standards and goals of completion and persistence.  Especially in the academic areas where we currently have clubs attached to such as: Welding, 护理人员, 呼吸, 护理, 数学和英语.  This will give students additional experiences outside the classroom that they can use on 转移 applications and further developing their skills in the subject area.


Strategy 3 - Maintaining value based services with decreased budget

随着每学期入学人数的减少, 学生生活办公室的预算一直在下降.  预算削减不可避免, maintaining services that students have stated are their 值: sustainability, 多样性和包容性, 代表是一个优先事项. Seeking funding from other sources to allow the department to continue to fund services will be a strategic priority for the department in the coming year.

  • 建模的可持续性
  • 加强学业完成和学术成就的文化
  • 支持学生,教师和员工的成功
  • 加强包容性文化


大学承诺, 正如通过战略方向提出的那样, gives us evidence that the 值 of the students match those of the college.  建模的可持续性 has been a part of the strategic direction for many years, and now adding 加强包容性文化 which also matches the students’ 值. We are focusing on these two strategies and helping the students create a sustainable and inclusive future, 因为我们面临财政挑战. 



1. Meeting space for about 30-50 people in a U shape or Circle for bi-monthly 国际俱乐部理事会 meetings.

2. Long term permanent office/program space for the 可持续发展资源中心 (SSG101) and 文化 and 社区中心 (SSF102) through Measure J funding.

4. Programming/Conference Space for events and activities (for a minimum of 200 people), 一个多用途的空间,通过J措施资金.


Every day-time main campus and Chico Center student is charged an $18 Student Activity fee.  This fee generates approximately a $300K budget per academic year.

所有学生都要支付2美元的律师费.  $1 goes to the state to support SSCCC the other $1 supports representation of students at the local and state level.  这将产生大约20美元的收益,000每学年, 这些资金在使用上是高度重新划分的, mostly used to train student government officers and travel for state representation.


最初的优先级 程序,单位,区域 资源类型 帐号 目标代码 一次增广 持续的增加
描述 支持的理由 潜在的替代资金来源 优先级标准
1 学生生活 人员 $0.00 $56,000.00
公关及市场专员 Support for this augmentation include: (a) 历史全国十大赌博官网数据 (b) 由于入学人数下降而导致的预计资金损失; (c) 学生生活 fees across the California Community Colleges; and (d) 学生生活 Program positions across the California Community Colleges. 下面将详细描述每一个领域. (a) 历史全国十大赌博官网数据. 过去几年,入学人数一直在下降. 学生生活预算与入学人数成正比. 随着入学人数的变化,预算也在变化. 因此,我们看到过去几年资金的减少. We have ten year projections which will require eliminating this crucial position in about 5 years. (b) 由于入学人数下降而导致的预计资金损失 despite only minor funding decline due to future enrollment trends, 由于人力成本的上升, the projected 学生生活 budget will experience exponential loss over the next 5-10 years and beyond. 毫无疑问, 学生生活办公室将被迫裁员, programs and/or services or gain financial support from the District within the next 3 years. 预计损失每年都在增加, 从2017-2018年的少量4美元开始,721, to 2021-2022 $51,707. (c) CACC学生生活费. The Associated Students have raised the Student Activity Fee four times over the past 14 years. One would think that the 学生生活 Office could simply raise their fees again. 然而, data illustrates that the majority of student activity fees cross the California Community Colleges are lower than what Butte College students are charged. Out of 113 California Community Colleges, Butte College charges the fourth (4th) highest fee. Raising the fee at Butte College is not an option the current BCAS officers would like to pursue. (d) 学生生活项目人员. 学生生活 programs tend to be high-touch programs and include a variety of personnel levels to ensure their 成功. 这取决于所提供的课程类型, amount of funding available from student fees and the district and the number of students, the make-up of professional and student personnel varies greatly among colleges.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 提供有效的电子媒介通信(e).g. 网站、社交媒体、营销材料、wifi接入)
2 学生生活办公室 营业费用 $0.00 $10,000.00
扶轮社顾问津贴 When the district was facing budget cuts it was asked of the 学生生活办公室 to to help reduce the cuts by providing $10,以补充俱乐部顾问的工会合同津贴. The office of student life now finds itself in the same situation and would like to discontinue the contribution to club advisor stipends in order to help balance our own budget which is dwindling due to low enrollment.
  • 学生支持服务计划(SSSP)
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 达到标准并努力实现课程成功的目标, 保留, 程度上的成就, 完成证书, 转移, 和资格审查
3 学生生活 人员 $18,335.00 $0.00
文化和社区中心的学生工作人员 Proposed funding for 2-3 student assistants in the 文化 and 社区中心. 被雇佣的学生将会认同仪表板人群. Students who are connected on their campus are more likely to complete 和转让. 很多学生都是西班牙裔, 非裔美国人, 和印第安人, can only be involved by working because they must provide for their families and pay for their education. Having them work at the 文化 and 社区中心 will enable them to get connected, receive mentoring from staff and leadership from our extensive training. The students hired will also help with planning the multicultural summit if it is funded (additional proposal submitted).
  • 学生权益
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan
4 学生生活 营业费用 $17,730.00 $0.00
多元文化的倒退 The proposed activity is a Friday-Sunday Diversity/Cultural Summit (name to be defined if funded). The summit will include students and faculty and staff that identify as Hispanic, 非裔美国人和印第安人. 附件是时间表样本. Marketing of the summit will be direct to those who have self-selected on their admission application, word of mouth and traditional forms of marketing at Butte College (campus announcements and posters). Participants will do self-exploration exercises and develop trust among peers and professionals. 对自己的态度有清晰的认识和理解, 值, 信仰, assumptions biases and identity as it affects one’ own work with others; and take responsibility to develop personal cultural skills by participating in activities that challenge one’s 信仰. Participants will be able to describe community as a complex process of relationship building and networking within and outside one’s identity group. This experience will empower students to get connected with campus and campus professionals that will enable them to visualize their future and provide them with the resources to complete courses, 度, 和转让.
  • 学生权益
  • 维护核心程序和服务
  • 提高访问, 成功, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the 学生权益 Plan